Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Social Contract: I may cause pain, but I may never do harm

A long time ago a made a promise to myself. This promise has meant a great deal to me.

I once heard the Hippocratic Oath: the oath taken by doctors. The oath says, among other things, that the doctor is to 'do no harm.'

Of course, the doctor will do things that seemingly harms others, at least in the short term. Let me explain:

If a person comes to the hospital after having been shot, the doctors may very well perform surgery to remove the bullet. That surgery will cause pain, and the patient may even think the doctor is harming him; even though in the long run the patient's best interests are served by its removal.

I decided to make a social contract with everyone that I ever meet. That contract says this: "I will do NO harm. You can trust me to cause you no pain that is not in your interest. I will not make fun of you unless I know it won't hurt, even if I could make others laugh by insulting you. I will hold anything you tell me in the strictest confidence. You can trust me to never ever hurt you except to help you in the long run. I may cause pain in your life, but that pain will be for your benefit, and will always be done with 'fear and trembling', care and concern. I will do you no harm."

This is my social contract that I hold with every person that I meet. "I will care about you. I will help you. You can trust me."

I have attempted to keep this contract everyone I know: acquaintance or friend, relative or guest. I haven't always suceeded, but I have always tried, and will continue to try, to fulfill my promise.

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