Friday, September 24, 2010

Light versus Shadow

What difference can I make? Out of the billions of us that exist, what difference does my life make? But the question itself shows a wrong philosophy. We are not moral dualists. We do not believe that good and evil are equal opposites. We are Christian. And Christians believe that good is the original, evil is the perversion; good is the real and evil is the shadow; good is the healthy body, evil is the virus.

Good and evil are not equal opposites. When light meets darkness, there isnt any question about who is going to win. We seems to think that when we sell out to God, when we totally give our lives over, that we can make up for the influence of one skeptical pagan that is trying to destroy peoples faith. We think that one Godly saint undoes the damage of one destroyer of lives. But that is moral dualism. That is not Christianity. God does not need one sold out Christian to make up for one that hurts others; satan needs 1,000 people hurting others to make up for one saint.

A person that gives everything over to God, that lives their lives in service only to Him, can destroy the influence of thousands of hurtful people. A true Christian can heal thousands and thousands of hours of pain and bad philosophy and immoral input. The spiritual battle of good and evil is not a one to one ratio.

When light meets darkness, the question is not which will win, the question is will the light be turned on?

Satan will try to stop you from serving God. Temptations will come. And to keep your light on your must defeat those temptations. Let me give an example from Chronicles of Narnia:

Edmund wanted something. At first he just wanted sweets, but as his heart was revealed, his true desires were seen. He wanted to be a prince, to sit on a throne. And sit on a throne he did. For all of two seconds until the white witch pulled him off and threw him in a dungeon.

Satan will offer you pleasures. But they will not last. They will be only a shadow of the desires you have. They will not satisfy what your heart really longs for. But if you notice, Edmund does get to sit on a throne. He gets his desire, but only after doing things Aslans way. Only after giving his selfish desires up, does he truly get what he desires.

Unfortunately, by trying his way first, by making his desires his chief aim, he causes pain and suffering to all those close to him, all those that he loves. This is your battle. This is your choice. If you choose to go the wrong way, if you fall, you will cause misery and suffering to all those that you love. But if you choose God, and with it life, you will be the true leaders that Christ has made you to be. You will be a blessing to all those you meet, and will see God do great things with your life.

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